======== Sessions ======== .. automodule:: werkzeug.contrib.sessions .. testsetup:: from werkzeug.contrib.sessions import * Reference ========= .. autoclass:: Session .. attribute:: sid The session ID as string. .. attribute:: new `True` is the cookie was newly created, otherwise `False` .. attribute:: modified Whenever an item on the cookie is set, this attribute is set to `True`. However this does not track modifications inside mutable objects in the session: >>> c = Session({}, sid='deadbeefbabe2c00ffee') >>> c["foo"] = [1, 2, 3] >>> c.modified True >>> c.modified = False >>> c["foo"].append(4) >>> c.modified False In that situation it has to be set to `modified` by hand so that :attr:`should_save` can pick it up. .. autoattribute:: should_save .. autoclass:: SessionStore :members: .. autoclass:: FilesystemSessionStore :members: list .. autoclass:: SessionMiddleware